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Staying in a Hotel in Cozumel

and want to get out and about?

We will pay your return taxi fares to our location and back to your hotel.


These taxi fares will be discounted off your final bike rental bill.


Discounts are based on this posted taxi fare chart. This chart is listed in Pesos.


Applies to all hotels, resorts within this chart on the West side, outside downtown.


Fare prices posted and discounts are by taxi not per person. 


* Minimum 2 Specialized bike rentals at the full 24 hour rental rate or 1 bike for

    two or more 24 hour rental rate for offer to apply.


* Rentals must be booked and confirmed in advance. No Prior deposit Required!



Cruise ship, Hotel bike rentals. Free Taxi Fare. Cruise terminals Puerta Maya, International, Punta Langosta Piers.


Cruise ship, Hotel bike rentals. Free Taxi Fare. Cruise terminals Puerta Maya, International, Punta Langosta Piers.
Cruise ship, Hotel bike rentals. Free Taxi Fare. Cruise terminals Puerta Maya, International, Punta Langosta Piers.



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10 Avenue, #14.

Located Between

Juarez Avenue & calle 2 norte.

CP 77600 Cozumel, Quintana Roo
Tel. 987-878-8602

All rights reserved by Best Bikes Cozumel.
All trademarks presented are property of their respective owners,

Best Bikes Cozumel does not claim nor manifest as their own.

Prices are subject to change without notice. 

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